

Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral A MONUMENT IN DANGER AFTER THE FIRE OF APRIL 15, 2019 The terrible fire that ravaged the cathedral of Paris destroyed the entire roof and caused the loss of the famous spire, the work of Viollet-le- Duke which dated from the XIX century. Fortunately, the structure remained upright even though it was subjected to the test of heat and the aggression of the tons of water used by the firefighters to put out the fire. Now is the time for reconstruction. A gigantic site in prospect for thousands of craftsmen who will be keen to carry out this renovation.
Grande Maison de Bures surYvette (91) A SUCCESSFUL RENOVATION The beautiful 18th century bourgeois building had its heyday for many decades, occupied by wealthy families. In 1982 it was bought by the town hall of Bures-sur-Yvette and closed to the public in 2008. After many months of renovation, the house was reborn from its ashes and was presented to the inhabitants during the inauguration on June 22, 2019. A large reception hall, spaces for associations, a restaurant ... will make this place a convivial space near the city market.
Graduation ceremony for DOCTORS OF PARIS-SACLAY UNIVERSITY A report rich in colors and emotion to celebrate the end of a training cycle. The event took place on October 11, 2019 in the Eiffel building of Centrale SUPELEC.PHOTO DU TRADITIONNELLANCER DE TOQUES
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